if you are looking for amazing safe effective picosecond treatments?

IPL laser birthmark removal Sydney safe price get rid of

Are you unhappy with your lesions or naevus? Is it ruining your look and causing a loss of self-confidence? Well come on in and get our effective, safe resolutions to remove birthmarks. We use the latest Intense Pulsed Light, E-light or YAG-switched lasers.

Which method?

The therapies removal of your naevus is very similar. They use a high-power beam, which is at a frequency that melanin will absorb. The beams are pulsed in very short pulses. Short enough to heat the melanin to destroy it but not enough to heat the surrounding tissue. The metabolic process removes the broken-up melanin.

The treated naevus may get darker at first before fading after a few weeks. A number of treatments may be required until the naevus has disappeared. Rather than try and work out which treatment is better for you over the internet. Make a booking for a complimentary appointment and we can help you decide. We can give you a price for each session and if you are happy we can start right away.

Are there any side effects?

The epidermis of some customers may become quite red immediately after treatment. However, most customers experience no side effects and the area of redness usually disappears within hours to a few days. After the laser avoids sun damage,

How long does each session take?

The length of each birthmark removal session will depend on the type and size of the pigments. Typical sessions will take 15 to 30 minutes.

How many sessions are necessary?

The number and length of sessions depend on the size and type of pigmentation marks and age. Normally it takes one to three sessions to get the results you require. Each session should be four to six weeks apart. This gives the body enough time to remove the melanin from the last session. The colour will darken and then lighten for a few weeks.

Consultations Procedure

Before any session, we will provide a full consultation. The consultation identifies your expectations and provides you with a full explanation of the treatment.

A medical history is taken to confirm suitability for treatment. If you wish to proceed written informed consent is obtained. A test patch is performed to confirm there are no adverse epidermis reactions to the light or laser before the treatment starts.

While you are here check out our skin rejuvenation, mole removal, port wine stains, vascular birthmarks, derma tags, pigment birthmarks, laser tattoo removal, derma peels, double chin removal, and leg veins blood vessel treatments. No skin cancer treatments.

Talk to us about which option is better for you

Why not make a free appointment? You can make a booking here or over the phone. Come and see us in Lane Cove where we have stacks of mostly three-hour parking.

Other options

  • laser treatments
Fractional laser treatment
Anti aging wrinkle skin resurface Sydney 1 best rejuvenation

Pigmentation refers to the colour of skin or tissues caused by the presence of pigments like melanin, carotenoids, and haemoglobin. It is a natural process in the body, and it varies from person to person depending on genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits. While some people may not be bothered by it, others may find it aesthetically unpleasing and may want to remove it. However, it's important to note that some pigment is normal and necessary for the body's functioning, and removing it can have negative consequences. In this article, we will discuss the various types of pigments and the safe methods for removing them.


  1. This refers to the darkening of skin or tissues due to increased melanin production. It can be caused by various factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes, and inflammation.
  2. It refers to the lightening of skin or tissues due to decreased melanin production. It can be caused by genetic disorders, autoimmune diseases, and skin injuries.
  3. Melasma: This is a hyperpigmentation that occurs due to hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy or menopause. It is characterised by dark patches on the face, neck, and arms.

In conclusion, removing it can be done safely and effectively using various methods. However, it's important to understand the types of pigments and the underlying causes before choosing a method of treatment. Always consult with a clinic like ours or a licenced professional before undergoing any removal treatment to ensure that it's safe and appropriate for your skin type. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting your skin from the sun can help prevent it and promote overall skin health.

IPL laser birthmark removal Sydney #1 safe price get rid of

Sydney birthmark removal

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Frequently asked questions or FAQs can be found below.

A picosecond is a type of laser that produces extremely short pulses of light, typically in the picosecond (trillionth of a second) range. These have become increasingly popular in medical and cosmetic procedures due to their ability to target specific areas of tissue without damaging surrounding tissue.

A clinic picosecond is especially good for several reasons. One of the main benefits of a picosecond is its ability to treat a variety of conditions. These can be used to treat pigmented issues, including age spots, UV damage, and freckles, as well as acne scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. They can also be used to remove tattoos and birthmarks.

One of the reasons why a clinic picosecond is so effective is that it uses a shorter pulse duration than other lasers. This allows the laser to penetrate deeper into the skin and break up pigments more effectively. The shorter pulse duration also means that there is less heat generated during the procedure, which reduces the risk of side effects such as scarring or hyperpigmentation.

In summary, a clinic picosecond is an effective tool for treating a variety of skin conditions due to its ability to target specific areas of tissue without damaging surrounding tissue, its precision, and its ability to produce shorter pulses of light. If you are considering a laser treatment for a skin condition, it is worth considering a clinic picosecond laser as an option.

Come into Xara Skin Clinic ™

Talk to us about starting your facial now. For an all-over whole body experience, come and see us. Come and relax in our opulent ambience, welcoming staff, the scent of essential oils, calming music, and the soft cool breeze. We are the beauty and care experts for world-class, exclusive offerings and products.

There are four Council car parks in Lane Cove village. Parking should not be a problem. Please pay us a visit. We are Xara's access via Birdwood Ln, level 2 suite 2.

We can help you to a better skin painless ring us now
Laser clinic Sydney customers near us in Lane Cove

We can help you to a better skin painless ring us now, Lane Cove. For better effective solutions for eliminating brown spots, come and see us.

Service Type: Complimentary consultation

Currency: AUD

How many sessions will it take to get rid of my naevus or derma discolouration?

Laser clinic Sydney customers near us in Lane Cove

It depends on may factions (colour of epidermis, the blemish etc) it can be as little as one session or if can go up to six. Without seeing the problem it is hard to say, it's like asking how much to paint a house without seeing it.

Is it easy to get parking?

Laser clinic Sydney customers near us in Lane Cove

Yes, we have 500 across the street from us in The Canopy.

Ring us now and make your reservation.

Come and visit us, customers who require more than one therapy, ask us for a package price. We are one of the North Shore’s top secrets. Customers that can't find or view us, remember second-floor access via Birdwood Ln or watch this. Click Here.

Come and see us, we are one of Lane Cove's top secrets. We are one of the leading, one-stop beauty salons and care clinics near you.
