EMS clinic tattoo removal facial Wollstonecraft body shaping beauty salon
I hope you have found what you are looking for here. If not have a look at our site, if you still can't find it give us a ring. While there is a lot on our site, I am sure we have missed some. You will be helping us identify what we have missed. Don't forget to bookmark us and do come and see us soon.
We offer you a complimentary consultation from our highly trained staff, you can contact us to make a booking here or on the phone and take advantage of our years of expertise.
Looking for a great EMS shop well you have found one of Sydney's top beauty clinics, so look no further. If you haven't had EMS - Electrical Muscle Stimulation, you have to try it. In just a short period, you can have the equivalent of a full day at the gym. You have arrived at your destination, now have a look at what we have to offer on our website and make a booking here or over the phone today.
Looking for great painless professional picosecond removing tattoos with lasers near you? Well, you have found Sydney's leading spot to remove your unwanted tattoo, good work. We are the removing tattoos specialists, to help you on your journey.
Having the latest in technology means fewer sessions and a safer more effective treatment.
We have the newest in laser technology, removing all colours of tattoo ink and complete removal. Now all you have to do is pick up the phone and make a booking with our exceptionally trained staff. Well done.
Can't find a great salon? That's OK because you have found Sydney's top skincare and salons. Have a look at our range of exclusive products and services, we are sure to have something just for you. Come in for a complimentary consultation.
We know how hard it is to get a good beauty therapist. But you have found an expert therapist here. We are experts in contouring. Come on in and have a chat with Cristine the shop owner and find out what she can do for you. Make a booking now.
Keep going back for an average facial? Why settle for average when you can have the best? Experience for yourself the Xara's difference. You only have to look at our reviews to know that are true. Make a booking now for a complimentary consultation.
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Younger looking skin in an hour or two
Servicing Lower North Shore and beyond, Chatswood, North Sydney, Riverview, Northwood, Gladesville, Longueville, Rose Bay, Neutral Bay NSW, St Leonards, Crows Nest, Naremburn, Greenwich, Ryde, Hunters Hill, Willoughby, Roseville and more.
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Don't go past these Amazing Solutions
Check out these Fantastic Product
What we don't do
- contact time customer makeup waxing
Come into Xara Skin Clinic ™ Day SPA
Talk to us about starting your treatments now. For an all-over whole-body experience, come and see us. Come and relax in our opulent ambience, welcoming staff, the scent of essential oils, calming music, and the soft cool breeze. For world-class, exclusive treatments and products, we are the salon and care experts.
There are four Council car parks in the Cove village. Parking should not be a problem. Please come and see us. We are Xara's access via Birdwood Ln level 2.
Please let us help you to a better looking leaner you ring us now
Please let us help you to a better looking leaner you ring us now. Then you have found them here. Please pop onto our website and see for yourself.
Service Type: Complimentary consultation
Currency: AUD
I want to see my abs, can you help?
With electrical muscle stimulation, it builds muscle while burning fat.
Ring us now and make your booking.
Come and see us, customers who require more than one treatment, ask us for a package price. We are one of the North Shore’s finest secrets. Customers that can't see us, remember second-floor access via Birdwood Ln or watch this. Click Here.
Come and see us, we are one of Lane Cove's finest secrets. We are one of the leading, one-stop beauty salons care and skincare clinics near you.